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  • Marketing & Creative Services

    USAN Marketing


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    USAN Marketing
    USAN Marketing
    USAN Marketing

    Project Overview

    Project Type Graphic Design
    Company USAN
    Year 2016



    USAN, a comprehensive cloud services company, commissioned a series of collateral pieces to promote its omni-channel cloud solutions. Having already designed the company’s website and branding guidelines, these marketing pieces served to expand an already cohesive corporate brand package.


    Celerate followed USAN’s brand closely while formatting USAN’s marketing content to work as a variety of print pieces. These included bi-fold and tri-fold brochures, booklets, datasheets and whitepapers.

    Since USAN intended to create a wide spectrum of datasheets, the design needed to maintain some aspects of a universal template structure while still allowing flexibility for content and imagery. Celerate designed a variety of datasheets that were ultimately compiled into a reusable InDesign template.