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    USAN Metaphor Demo


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    USAN Metaphor Demo
    USAN Metaphor Demo
    USAN Metaphor Demo

    Project Overview

    Project Type Branding
    Company USAN
    Year 2016



    USAN requested a video demo for its Metaphor (M4) Voice service that clearly defined its capabilities, benefits and superior qualities. It was necessary for the video to follow USAN branding specifications and to focus on the flexible, expandable qualities of Metaphor Voice’s cloud-based services.


    Prior to video development, Celerate created a 3D diagram of stacked “blocks” that represented the various features and services contained within Metaphor Voice. This diagram became the primary element within the Metaphor Voice presentation. By animating the various facets of this diagram and pairing it with additional symbols and visuals, Celerate was able to clearly illustrate the narration’s details on the product. A gridded backdrop and cloud-lined horizon reinforced USAN’s cloud software branding and provided a fitting home for the Metaphor Voice diagram. The final pairing of these 3D and 2D elements resulted in an organized visual demonstration of a complex and powerful cloud service system.