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    Don't Let Your Words Trip You Up: Avoiding Common Writing Pitfalls on the Web


    This article is the third part of our series on writing for the web.

    So you've mastered the art of scannable writing, but are you sure your content is truly engaging and effective? Let's face it, even the most well-intentioned writers can fall into traps that hinder reader understanding and action. Buckle up as we explore some common writing pitfalls and equip you with helpful tips to navigate them like a pro!

    Pitfall 1: Jargon Jungle 

    Imagine encountering sentences littered with industry jargon or complex terms. Daunting, right? Avoid alienating your audience by ditching the overly technical language. 

    Example: "Our proprietary algorithm leverages machine learning to optimize customer acquisition." 

    Rewrite: "Our software uses advanced technology to find the best ways to reach new customers." 

    Overall, the rewrite is more likely to be understood and remembered by your target audience.


    • Embrace plain language your target audience understands.
    • Define necessary technical terms clearly.
    • Stick to widely-known acronyms and abbreviations.
    • Explain complex concepts with relatable examples or analogies.

    Pitfall 2: Passive Pestilence 

    Passive voice can lull your readers to sleep faster than a bedtime story. Long, convoluted sentences don't help either. Let's inject some energy!

    Example: "The decision was made by the team to implement the new strategy." 

    Rewrite: "The team decided to implement the new strategy!" 

    Overall, the rewrite is clearer, more engaging, and conveys the intended message more effectively through concise word choice, active voice, and better sentence structure.


    • Opt for an active voice wherever possible to engage your readers directly.
    • Break down long sentences into shorter, digestible chunks.
    • Choose strong verbs and avoid unnecessary modifiers.

    Pitfall 3: Call to Action Catastrophe 

    So you've crafted a masterpiece, but where do readers go from here? Don't leave them hanging! Vague CTAs are like whispering wishes into the void.

    Example: "We hope you enjoyed this article. Please feel free to share it with your friends." 

    Rewrite: "Subscribe to our newsletter for more tips like these!" 

    Overall, the rewrite is more actionable and audience-focused, transforming a passive suggestion into a clear call to action that directly benefits the reader.


    • Integrate clear, compelling CTAs throughout your content.
    • Use strong verbs that tell readers exactly what you want them to do.
    • Make CTAs visually prominent and easy to find.

    Remember, effective web writing is about more than just words. By avoiding these pitfalls and embracing the tips provided, you can ensure your content resonates, informs, and inspires your audience to take action!


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